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Hi, I'm Emilie. Welcome to our little corner of the world.

I am a wife to Craig, mama to four (soon to be five), writer, tea drinker, laundry doer, gluten free cook, lover of Nutella.

Our story is both simple and complicated.

Craig’s first wife, Katie, passed away from cancer almost four years ago. I wish I could have met her. Together they had three beautiful children, Bailey, Jensen and Hudson. Walking through grief is a regular part of our life.

I spent a decade asking God for a husband and a family, and he used that time to prepare me and refine me for the role he knew was coming. Our story is a testament to the fact that God’s timing is always perfect, even if you don’t understand it. He is never late.

We added a new baby, Hannah, to our family a year ago, and another is coming this summer. We have a fluffy goldendoodle, Clifford, an unnamed black cat who’s made three moves with us (“kitty”), and maybe someday we’ll add chickens.

As a family, we are passionate about natural solutions for health, gluten free living (Craig has celiac disease), and the realities of working through grief on a regular basis as a blended family. You’ll find a lot of content related to these things, along with musings on faith, parenting and some of our favorite products.

We’re glad you’re here. 

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